Diploma in Tour & Travel Management

The Diploma in Travel & Tourism Management aims at providing an education foundation for a range of careers in the travel and tourism industry.  The course provides specialized studies directly relevant to individual vocations and professions in which learners intend to seek employment or are already working in the industry.  Through the effective use and combination of knowledge and skills gained through both core and specialist modules, it would enable learners to make an immediate contribution in the job market.



The one year programme is organized on a semester basis and includes two semesters.  There are in all 16 modules including a foreign language and a project report.  Each student, under the supervision of subject co-ordinator, would independently undertake a project towards the end of the programme.  The project would assess the student's overall capability and original contribution to the programme.  The programme also has a provision of on the job training for 6 months in a travel organisation. The Diploma Programme is intended for those who have completed their high school graduation programme in any stream from a recognised school / institution. The course is also available to graduates already working in the industry who would like to upgrade their knowledge and skills.
After completion of the program in Nepal, students can travel to foreign countries for an additional month of training and for working.
Carrer & Growth Opportunities:
  • Travel Agencies (Inbound & Outbound)
  • Tour Operating Companies
  • Airlines
  • Car Rental Companies
  • Business Houses
  • Travel & Tourism BPO's
  • Travel Related Call Centes
  • Hospitality- Front Office Assistance
Duration: 1 year (including 6 months industrial attachment)

Eligibility: High School graduate or equivalent (12 years of education)

Intake: Jan, May, Aug, Dec of every year.

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"So much has happened since I joined Standard Tourism and Hotel Training Center. I just love it! Thanks, STHTC !"

Management Graduate